“Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or
wherewithal shall we be clothed? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Featured Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33
Background Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
Those heeding the call of God to His service will almost immediately be
confronted with a large question of faith: Where will the resources come from to
complete this great task? God often calls us before we are shown the funds,
education, networks, or a clear road map to complete the journey. It can be
awe-inspiring to hear the call to ...read more »
Those heeding the call of God to His service will almost immediately be
confronted with a large question of faith: Where will the resources come from to
complete this great task? God often calls us before we are shown the funds,
education, networks, or a clear road map to complete the journey. It can be
awe-inspiring to hear the call to service, but it can be equally dauntingn to
see the challenge of completing the mission.
Becoming a leader of faith by accepting a heavenly task defies conventional
worldly thinking. Doing something for God often means venturing out on faith
alone. We will immediately hit the roadblocks and hear the questions and
criticism from our friends and family members. How will you pay for it? You
aren’t even trained in that area. Who can open those kinds of doors for you?
Certainly there are others more qualified than you? You don’t have any
experience doing that, and besides, it is very dangerous.
In today’s Scripture, Christ tells us that our journeys of faith will require
constant and dailyn reliance on God’s provision. Not only will our callings and
early work be challenged, but at every point in the journey, we will need to
look to heaven for our daily bread. This childlike dependence on God creates
humility and maintains a constant connection to the Almighty. Were God to show
us the cache of blessings all at once, we all might fall into self-reliance and
think that it was our skill instead of God’s hand that paves the way for us each
day. Seeking God and His will each day allows our lives to be spiritual vessels
instead of merely earthly bodies.
Anxiety over our circumstances can lead to depression and cause us to step
outside of God’s divine plan. Anxiety over provision is a breeding ground that
allows Satan’s influence into our daily affairs. When we praise God when the
cupboard is bare, miracles begin to happen. When we walk on the next mile
without knowing if we will be able to return, angels fly to our rescue. When we
accept the call of God to do something great and announce it to the ridicule of
others, Christ Himself takes us by the hand to lead us along the way. Don’t be
anxious about your next meal, an unpaid bill, or doors slammed in your face;
these are merely faith hurdles to leap so you can complete a heavenly race.
Glory and reward await you at the finish line if you will seek God first and let
your needs be met in God’s time.
Throughout generations people have combed the Holy Scriptures in search of
meaning, purpose, solace and forgiveness. Its words give us new understanding
of creation, history, prophecy and revelation: therein, we find the promise of the
soul’s salvation.
But my own burden and calling that led me to the writing of this book,
From Our Knees, revealed to me that the Holy Scriptures are also the ultimate collection
of timeless leadership precepts. From Genesis to Revelation we encounter those many
reluctant and imperfect characters that God chose to become leaders for holy tasks.
God worked His providence and purpose through each of them and bids you also as a
leader in this time to become a partner in building the Kingdom of God.
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Leading From Our Knees is a daily roadmap to guide you as you tackle the tasks of
leadership that God has given you to do. It will help you identify and understand your
own calling more clearly and help you gain confidence from the fact that whatever situation
or challenge you are going through in these days, the great saints of the faith
experienced also.
Leading From Our Knees lists for you forty-seven categories of the faith experience
with their corresponding lessons found within the book. Use this category listing as a
resource to assist you in your own special time of need.
Special occasions of the calendar-year are noted and cross-referenced by page number
so that you can find inspiration and new meaning for each of those notable dates.
Virtually every leader and supporting character of the Bible is portrayed through the
daily lessons and can be located through the character index in the back of the book.
Use this book as a teaching or study guide or as your own personal daily devotional.
Use it as a quick desk reference to help you confront and overcome the spiritual burdens
that will arise in the course of your own leadership responsibilities.
Each daily lesson has its own title and sub-title that will provoke your spiritual curiosity.
Every lesson is anchored in scripture. While the lessons were not written in
chronological scriptural order, they are listed in sequence by chapter and verse in the
book beginning with Genesis and proceeding through Revelation. This sequential placement
of the lessons allows you quick access to your favorite character, story or scripture
and gives you a chance to read a leadership lesson from all sixty-six books of the Bible.
Note that for each day’s lesson there is a written featured scripture and a referenced
background scripture for you to look up in your own Bible. By reading both the featured
scripture and background scripture for each day, you will substantially read through the
entire Bible over the course of the year.
The text of each lesson ties the scripture to an appropriate biblical precept and
leadership lesson of faith. At the bottom of each page is a suggested prayer that relates
to the day’s lesson. Allow this daily prayer to unlock the Holy Spirit’s voice within you
as you read it. Each daily devotional can be read in as little as five minutes or when
meditated upon and cross-referenced with your own bible, can be completed in about
twenty minutes.
The creation of Leading From Our Knees was God’s call to me and was written over the
course of six and a half years. Many days I felt as if God was the author, and I was merely
His scribe. As I studied and wrote, I could feel God extracting and intertwining the
lessons I learned through forty years of Christian lay-study with my own personal leadership
experiences. Insights for the lessons were drawn from my own leadership success
and failure as well as from my observation of the hundreds of diverse leaders that I have
encountered throughout my life.
I feel a kinship with so many of the characters and situations in the book. Some days
I am that fallen and repentant leader and other days I am the brave warrior equipped
with new hope and confidence. But in every circumstance I am a leader in constant need
of Christ’s daily power and special provision.
Often we are called to leadership battles for which we will never see the earthly
victory. Yet through it all we have a holy obligation to serve others. And as we serve others
faithfully, God affirmatively moves each of us into new roles of providential leadership
for Him.
We are all imperfect and fragile. We will fail and make mistakes, even as we disappoint
others and fall short of our goals. But we are capable of accomplishing so much
more than our human mind can comprehend. For the God who calls us to our task of
leadership is awesome, powerful, loving and redeeming. The Trinity of God is active in
our life today and can be found in every human event and circumstance.
It is through the actions of leaders of faith, great and small alike, that the holy work
of the heavenly purpose is unveiled. And if all that you do in your journey as a leader is
grounded in humility, devotion and pure love towards our Savior and His children; then
it will surely yield those fruits of eternal success and reward.
I give thanks and praise to God for allowing me to be part of this project. It was a
humbling and life-changing experience for me to be the vessel that brings Leading From
Our Knees to you today.
It is now my prayer and great hope that something in this work will comfort you,
inspire you and lead you towards finding God’s peace in your own life and leadership
journey. Let each of us as leaders of faith allow Christ’s love to be manifested in us so that
we can shower it upon others through our humble acts of service each day. Remember,
that as leaders of faith, we bring our sweetest praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
when we are obediently leading from our knees.